School Programmes

  Where domestic abuse happens, children live in fear. They are constantly at risk of seeing the violence, hearing it, understanding the suffering of a parent and being involved in…


Where domestic abuse happens, children live in fear. They are constantly at risk of seeing the violence, hearing it, understanding the suffering of a parent and being involved in incidents.

Children know it is happening and this is harmful to their development and wellbeing.

Healthy Relationships

BCWA deliver awareness sessions for children in primary schools in Years 3-6. They are taught about healthy relationships through interactive sessions with games and activities, and there is no mention of words such as domestic violence or abuse.

Sessions are free of charge for schools in Bromley and surrounding boroughs.

Work with children

Following recent group work with our children we have seen a remarkable turnaround with behaviour, attendance, attainment and self-esteem. We very much look forward to working with BWA in the near future and continuing our partnership”.
Primary School Teacher in Orpington

Helping Hands

BCWA run small support group sessions for children who have disclosed domestic abuse in their homes.

Our project workers work with the children to talk through what they experience, how to control anger, understand their feelings, how to keep safe and disclose secrets safely to trustworthy adults.


For more information or to book, please contact us on 0208 313 9303 or at


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