* This project has now ended * We are delighted to be working in partnership with Bromley Lewisham and Greenwich Mind (BLG Mind) in piloting a new support…
We are delighted to be working in partnership with Bromley Lewisham and Greenwich Mind (BLG Mind) in piloting a new support programme ‘The Surviving Well Project’ – focused on helping survivors of domestic abuse that are experiencing anxiety, stress or depression.
The Surviving Well Project will help survivors to:
-Improve their self-esteem and confidence
-Better manage your emotional and mental wellbeing
-Create safer and healthier relationships
Starting in October 2019 – June 2020 we will be providing specialist outreach via our 6 free well-being support groups and 1:1 advice and support.
The 2hr support group sessions will run for 8 weeks during the day and evening across Bromley with limited creche facilities.*
The first round of sessions will run at the following times:
Bromley North: 8th October – 3rd December (eve) no creche available
Penge: 10th October-5th December (day) limited creche spaces.
The second and third round of sessions will run from Jan-Mar 2020 and Mar-Jun 2020, date and locations will be confirmed in due course.
To be eligible for The Surviving Well Project, your clients are to be:
All potential clients will be required to complete both a Mental Health and Domestic Abuse assessment scoring as Mid-Low risk before they can be assigned to The Surviving Well Project.
If you believe you have any clients that will benefit from the support of The Surviving Well Project, you are welcome to make a referral by contacting either:
BCWA 020 8313 9303 email info@bcwa.org.uk
Bromley Well 0300 3309 039 email wellbeing@bromleywell.org.uk.
*Not all locations include creche facilities – please inform at registration if a creche space is required.