What is abuse? Someone you love having power and control over you and making you feel bad. What does it look like? Abuse can look different for everyone. Here…
Someone you love having power and control over you and making you feel bad.
Abuse can look different for everyone. Here are some examples:
Physical: this might be pushing, spitting or throwing things
Emotional: this might be putting you down, keeping you from friends, telling you what to wear
Sexual: this might be pressuring you for nudes, or making you do things you don’t want to do
Digital: this might be looking through your phone, or checking your social media constantly
Financial: this might be giving you money for doing things you don’t want to, or making you give them money
Pressure: this is pushing you to do anything you don’t want to
Anyone can be abusive. For domestic abuse it is the following:
– Boyfriend/girlfriend
– Ex-boyfriend/ ex-girlfriend
– Anyone in the family home – this could be parents, siblings, carers, extended family
Domestic abuse can happen to anyone of any age. In fact, young people age 16-25 are most likely to experience domestic abuse.
Domestic abuse can happen to anyone, regardless of age, background, religion, sexuality or ethnicity.
Whilst domestic abuse happens in all relationships (heterosexual, lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender), statistics show that the majority of domestic abuse and intimate partner abuse are common forms of violence against women.
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